Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lost and Found - Two

from w
A second painting I found in the clean-up, on top of a cupboard, is this one based on a postage stamp of the banksia plant. The original picture is at the top.

We had an interesting experience today, voting early at an office in Geelong instead of waiting until Saturday. I didn't want Peceli waiting in a long queue on Saturday as he is supposed to be very quiet and rest this week but they have a system to avoid the busy queue up at the local primary school with only about eight people waiting. Won't say who I voted for - and actually I'm not happy with the election campaign - no inspiration, lots of promises of billions of dollars to spend, but where does it come from! Too much emphasis on 'me' as leader or 'potential leader'. In fact the local Liberal candidate was told not to talk at all - but leave it to the top people!

I cut out a cartoon from today's Age. It's about the Senate voting paper, and rather true as there are zillions of candidates in the lower section which you can number one by one if you don't use section one where you only have to put a (1) somewhere.Actually we shouldn't be flippant about an election in our democracy, making much of cartoons every day, because it is a privilege that is not given to many countries of the world, and certainly Fiji has been waiting for an election for a while!

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