Saturday, December 28, 2013

Exploring Connewarre Lake

from w

On Wednesday and Thursday Peceli and I drove along the Bellarine Peninsular going down unknown roads to see where Lake Connewarre could be accessed by car. Not many lanes and roads led to the water as sometimes fine houses and properties commandeered the lakeside and we ended up with signage that said 'Private Property'. Anyway we had our picnics anyway, one time at Brimsmead Road which does reach the lake, with a carpark area and seats.  One road led to the water but by a very rough track. Yet there are beautiful homes and landscaped gardens both on the Leopold side and the Marshalltown side that are beside the lake. A second lake is Reedy Lake which has fresh water but our drive only led to three barriers and walking seemed to be the only option to get near water.. Lake Connewarre is salt and tidal. I took a few photos anyway.  And have found historical pictures from a century and more ago and some pictures I took some time ago.


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