Sunday, November 03, 2013

When playing for a wedding

from w
I toyed with the idea of going to an Anglican Evensong at 5 as June Nixon is down from St Pauls Melbourne and some jolly good pipe organ music and choirs might be good therapy for a jaded old soul, but I slept too long this afternoon. Pipe organ music is on my mind as I will play for a wedding tomorrow afternoon on a lovely instrument and earlier today had a rehearsal. One wedding at this particular church climaxed with the Widor Toccato which would scare any bride and groom I think. I have the sheet music but it is very difficult to play. I used to even play the Bach D Minor which is also powerful, but fingers are not as nimble now. For a small wedding the pipe organ is rather powerful so I might just play Cohen's Allelulia or something lighter.
Later:  I did play the Cohen music for the couple to walk into the church, and the  Pacelbel Canon after the wedding. It all went nicely,  the bride lovely in a white suit and blue hat, the groom spruced up, the friends and family well dressed but it was all friendly. Rev Sani led a prayerful service and made the couple comfortable in the vows, etc. I'll use my gift of money to buy goodies for the church morning and afternoon teas next Sunday as we have a musical afternoon program.

Anyway here are youtube videos if you are interested. The Widor Toccata The Bach Toccato and Fugue in D Minor


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