History of Shenton

As it is the Geelong High School Centenary this week, I've typed up some of the history of the Shenton buildings and I'll give a copy to someone at the school later today as some people might be interested during the tour of the school. Ill put up pictures later, but we are going up to Wyndam Vale in a few minutes for a church meeting.
History of Shenton, corner Garden Street and Ryrie Street Geelong.
Prior to 1855 this site may have been used for a Customs House (according to David Davies)
1855 The land was given to the Wesleyans by Order in Council 13th June for Wesleyan Church purposes.
1855 A Day School commenced in a small cottage brought out from England and called Shenton House after Miss Shenton.
1863 a building 40' by 20' for school and Sunday School.
1868 two wings 10' by 10' added.
1886 church bell erected and was rung for half an hour before each service until someone suggested that was too long. 1890 a classroom erected for 90 pounds.
caretaker's cottage in grounds.
1890s Wesleyan Praise services were very noisy, like charismatic.
1903 new multipurpose hall/church building that could seat 450 people was opened 1905 16 August Gheringhap Church removed and put on the block brought in to meet the request of the Boys Mutual Improvement Society for gymnastics.
1907 An orchestra practiced next door including violins (CA Blakiston) clarinet, flute, piccolo, tenor horn, double bass, cornet, piano, organ.
1909 parsonage built and stables, buggy house. This was during the ministry of Rev James Rogers. The tender was 622 pounds three shillings sixpence. A sum of 200 pounds came from Newtown Latrobe Terrace manse. Mr H Beach builder. Caretaker's cottage was removed from the back yard except for front rooms and stable built at the back and fencing done 9 October 1909, digging and laying out garden for two pounds.
1909 9th September Moved by Messrs Saywell and Anderson that the Sec lay out the Parsonage Garden and have it set with a buffalo at a cost not exceeding two pounds.
1909 Trustee Meeting 9 October moved by Messrs Henry Humble that Mr Saywell interview Mr Felder re removing pine tree overhanging parsonage. Moved by Messrs Higgans and Humble that the Rechabite Band be invited to play selections on the grounds at Shenton previous to Anniversary entertainment on Monday evening.
1915 March 20th From Trustee meeting. Insurance on Parsonage (paid under protest) was one pound, nineteen shillings.
1927 High School rented Shenton hall.
1937 Gheringhap Hall all and school hall removed to behind parsonage to clear front corner area for a new brick church which opened April 3.
1037 at the opening of the brick church the choir sang music by Handel, Beethove, Holst, Mendelssohn and Mozart.
High School continued to use Shenton property.
1964 an Allen electronic organ was installed in Shenton church.1970s with church union of Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational, the congregation of Shenton moved to join with nearby St Andrews.
1980s a charismatic Fellowship rented the Shenton church building (also hall but shared with High School) for their meetings and manse used by Uniting Church ministers of East Geelong until January 1991. Gheringhap Hall used by minister's boys for gym.
1990's Geelong High School bought the Shenton property including the Manse and all buildings to use for drama, music, concerts, and other purposes. Once again buildings were moved, this time the wooden hall turned around with the bell tower facing Garden Street.
Here are pictures I took this morning of our old manse, the church, the front of the old hall. I'll write up a separate posting on recycling Shenton into music/dance/drama spaces.
Labels: Geelong High School Centenary, Shenton Church Geelong
Hi does anyone know who Shenton was named after?
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