Eastern Park stones

A few years ago a sculpture designer, Andrew Rogers, created a geoglyph between Eastern Park and the foreshore, using lines of white stones. Saturday afternoon Peceli and I needed some fresh air so drove down there (3 minutes away) to do some sketching and I took four photos. The stone structure is called 'Rhythm of life' and the artist has cosntructed a similar geoglyphs in other places. You can see the design if you are in a plane I suppose! We live in a lovely city, Geelong, and are privileged to have green spaces not far from our home - the Eastern Park, the Eastern Beach foreshore, a golf course and so on.

We are thinking today of our friends and relatives in Fiji who are experiencing a major hurricane, the biggest they say in 38 years. I've been on the phone though to family in Labasa - a mobile phone is still working though the electricity is off and there is a curfew - and they say the sugar crops are ruined, there will be massive flooding, and the danger is not over. The wind and rain goes on for about two days, not just an hour of cyclonic intensity. Cyclone Tomas is a Category Four and is effecting all of the Fiji Islands but particularly Vanua Levu and nearby islands so far.
Labels: Eastern Park Geelong, geoglyph
I am so sorry about the people in Fiji.To suffer injuries and loss of loved ones-- and then, on top of that--to lose one's livelihood like the sugar crop,seems just too much...and it isn't over... There has been so much suffering, this year,all over he world, from these disasters.
Looking at the drawings and photos of the geoglyphs, I wonder at just the physical energy that it took Andrew Rogers to collect these white stones.
Hello Annie,
I phoned my son in Fiji this morning and he said the winds are diminishing up in Labasa where most of our family live, but some houses, health centres, etc. have been destroyed or damaged and the floods are still coming as the rivers rise. I've written more on the babasiga blog.
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