Monday, March 18, 2013

when a church acts by providing food for the needy

from w,
Tonight I went to Christ Church in Geelong for a service for the volunteers of the Meals and Food program given by this Anglican church.  It was a very good worship service, with many people attending - both volunteers and recipients of the gracious gifts of meals and food parcels/boxes. First Bite is another organisation in Geelong that passes on food to needy people.  It was good to be there tonight and share in supper afterwards, and be able to talk with some of the volunteers as our family  has been a recipient of some of their gifts.


A website about Geelong’s efforts to assist the poor and needy with gifts
Of food supplies or meals.
A list of numerous places in Geelong to obtain a free meal or food supplies.

An example of an Anglican church in Geelong that is putting faith into practical outcomes such as meals and food relief.  (Notes below are from the Christ Church website.)

Christ Church provides free breakfast seven days a week throughout the year and an evening meal every Monday and Wednesday. The Community Meals Program is well known and is a respected contribution to welfare in Geelong. Our guests come from a range of backgrounds - street kids, homeless people, schoolchildren, people who need company as much as food, the unemployed, stranded travellers and families. Those who come for a meal are welcomed regardless of their circumstances and for some the meal at Christ Church may be their main meal of the day; for others it is their only meal.
The Meals Programme is run entirely by volunteers, sometimes with the assistance of  students from different local schools. The Program is registered with the Anglican Benevolent Society Inc., and so donations made to the Program when accompanied  by the appropriate paperwork are tax deductible.
BREAKFAST 7.30-9.00AM EVERY DAY - is available to any person. A substantial  breakfast is served 365 days of the year, comprising hot drinks, toast, cereal, and a cooked breakfast.  Approximately 10,000 breakfasts are provided per year. Volunteers and donations to  support this program are provided by many community organisations, several Anglican  Parishes and the St Mary,s congregation, local community groups and service organisations.

5.00-6.30pm On both Monday evening and Wednesday evening a two course main meal is served in the Parish Hall, with tea, coffee and cordial provided. Approximately 5000 meals are served each year. Service Clubs and the  general public provide funds; Glynn Harvey provides 10kg of peeled potatoes per week  and other goods from time to time. TasmanMeats in Belmont provides a substantial  amount of meat each month.  Both breakfasts and the Monday/ Wednesday evening meals  are served at the Parish Hall.

EMERGENCY FOOD RELIEF During the hours when Christ Church is open for visitors each week day (usually Monday-Friday 12.00-2.00pm), emergency food relief is available for pensioners,health care card holders, and those in need. Strong demand requires that emergency food relief canonly be accessed by each person once per month. Annually  approximately 350 people use this service. The St. John Of God Lighthouse Foundation  provides items for the food cupboard which are supplementedfrom donations in kind by parishioners and others in the community. Emergency relief enquiries are handled by the volunteers who open the Church each week day for visitors.

If you are interested in volunteering to help at either the Breakfast or evening Meals  programme, or in supporting the emergency food relief program, contact Jan McGowan (Breakfast Programme), Ann Howarth (Evening Meals Programme) or Elva Wise (Emergency Food relief) via the Parish Office.


Anonymous Schools in Geelong said...

I must say they are doing very great work by providing food to needy.I wish I can join them.I have seen the list of numerous places in Geelong to obtain a free meal or food supplies.

4:17 AM  

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