Sunday, August 26, 2007

when writers read their work

from w
Some writers aren't great at presenting their work, read too fast, speak too softly, get entangled with the microphone, while others enchant with their integrity and pacing. The Geelong Writers group meets informally one Sunday afternoon a month for coffee/wine, etc. and readings. Yesterday I went to this gathering at Beav's Bar as usual and as usual, was not always enchanted.

One older man always wants to shock - so rather than scowl at his words I drew him! A woman read her story and I didn't listen - I drew. During another reading I noticed that members of the audience were in various poses as if in a drawing class so I drew this lovely young couple.

However one reader did entrance with his carefully thought out words as he read poems about loss and alienation of the Aboriginal tribes from the southwest coast of Victoria. He was an elderly humble man who spoke quietly but clearly and that was the highlight of the afternoon.

Afterwards I went to the Art Gallery to look at the Print Prize works - linocuts, etc. As the Geelong Writers is co-hosting an event in October relating words to pictures, I chose an item about the Tower of Babel to write either a poem or a story. There's plenty of scope there.



Blogger Penny said...

Love them Wendy, especially the well endowed young lady. Geelong does seem to have so many things you can join or go to, not much here although if I lived in the town I might find more.

12:26 AM  
Blogger Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Judging by your blog Penny, you have an extraordinary busy life over there in South Australia! This week is very quiet for me as I want to keep this nasty cough away from other people.

5:08 PM  

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