
Thursday, April 14, 2011

A forest of tall trees

from w
Often the Australian bush seems to be so scribbly and disorganised with various gum trees going every which way but loose. At other times you come across a stand of tall straight trees rising up into the sky. Here are some variations of a small painting I once made in the You Yangs. I think national identity isn't so much about flags or anthems - it's about landscape and the smell of the eucalypts. There's a song 'Give me a home among the gum trees' that's a better anthem I reckon! And, I wonder if there are 'trees' in heaven as we are just too passionate about the physical world to look yonder!


  1. Wendy these are gorgeous. I always love visiting your blog and seeing what your family is up to. Since I live alone in the windy foggy San Francisco area, it's so fun to have a glimpse into your big family joyful life in the sun.

  2. Hello Jana,
    I wrote a response but deleted it - I get too talkative at times. Thank you for reading our blog.

  3. Overall, we love these images, they certainly capture the underlaying sense of our bushlands and society. Visually not to keen on the picket fence inclusion but the message is clear.
