Sunday, July 19, 2009

Connecting with people

from w
How different is the world today in the way we catch up with people, pass on messages, have immediate access to linking with friends and families. There’s too much out there! I don’t 'twitter’, I don’t use a mobile, though I call other people who have mobiles. I am not a chatterer on the phone either though I do chatter using a computer keyboard. There’s email, gmail, facebook, google, blogs, radio programs, print media, TV, church notices, as well conversations while drinking coffee an eating cakes! And the door knocking as well.

Last week there was so much going on in our household with messages by email and phone and the blogs that demanded attention. To be spontaneous and immediately respond is the way it sometimes happens, (Peceli occasionally wants to book a flight to Fiji!). At other times there’s a need to say, ‘Hey, hold on, think about it.’ Do you need to pass on this information or keep it to yourself? Do you need to get agitated and say/write something ‘political’? Do you need to get involved?

Do you need to jump in the car and visit somebody? Sometimes it’s No! Peceli usually says, ‘Yes, do it!’

Five stages of separation – well, it’s hardly more than two to get to the Queen and Fiji’s top guys. Been there, done that. Over many years there’s a huge network of acquaintances. Just this week I’ve caught up with two friends going back 30 years – via Facebook, though I don’t access that much, but it’s there.

I’ve been re-reading ‘The Shack’ and though I get annoyed a few times with parts of it, there’s one comment in it about living in the present moment, not in the past, or imagining the future. That is partly true – we really only have the tasks of today. However if we don’t have memory that goes back a long time, connections today don’t always make sense. We do need to remember our relationship with old friends, acquaintances so that we can re-connect again. Also, by looking back, you can see the warp and weft of life and that perhaps our Creator has had a hand in it all.

Does any of that rave make any sense to you?

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Blogger annie said...

A lot of sense, Wendy. I never feel bored but I can feel overwhelmed. And then, in a few days, I feel more ready for all of it. I guess we need all the avenues of expression and also reflection and then rest. The big choice I find is how to fit in the daily portions on my plate--and those portions seem to change daily, too.

8:33 AM  

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